Reactive Mobile Apps with GraphQL and Maui
In this workshop, we will introduce you to GraphQL and the major concepts behind it. We will look at how to build a GraphQL server with ASP.NET core and Hot Chocolate. You will learn how to query GraphQL and what tools are out there that can help you explore and manage large schemas. Further, we will dive into Maui and explore how to efficiently build fast and fluent mobile applications.
Technologies covered: .NET 7, ASP.NET Core 7, Maui, GraphQL, Hot Chocolate, Strawberry Shake
Day 1: Building a GraphQL Backend with .NET
09:00 Hello, Intro, Tech Check
- Introduction
- What is GraphQL?
- Hello, World!
10:45 BREAK (15 minutes)
11:00 Building a foundation
- Lists
- Pagination
- DataLoader
- Object Identification
12:00 Rethinking Data Fetching
- Field Middleware
- Defer and Stream
13:00 BREAK (60 minutes)
14:00 Integrating existing infrastructure
- Wrapping REST APIs with GraphQL
- Migrating REST applications to GraphQL
15:00 Real-Time Data
- Exploring data fetching approaches
- GraphQL Subscriptions
- Advanced Subscription Concepts
15:30 BREAK (15 minutes)
15:45 GraphQL in Production
- Persisted Queries with Relay
- Automatic Persisted Queries
- Type Emission
- Client Schema Extensions
- Relay Developer Tools
- GraphQL Observability
- Security Concepts
- Request Pipeline Exploration
- GraphQL over HTTP Transport
17:00 FINISH
Day 2: GraphQL in the front-end with MAUI
09:00 - 10:45
- Introduction to .NET MAUI
- Preparations
- Run the Blank App
10:45 - 11:00 BREAK
- 15 Minute Break
11:00 - 13:00
- Run the (Blank) App, continued
- Create the Screener Page
- Get Crypto Assets from GraphQL Backend
- Update ScreenerPage to Use Real Data
13:00 - 14:00 LUNCH
- 1-Hour Lunch
14:00 - 15:00
- Get Price History
- Subscribe to OnPriceChanged
- Strawberry Shake Setup
15:30 - 15:45 BREAK
- 15 Minute Break
15:45 - 17:00
- The future of GraphQL
- Questions and Answers
- Feedback
Start from Zero
The most common way to start any programming course is to display the text "Hello, World!". Continuing with this tradition, we'll use GraphQL & friends to display the famous text.
Full Crypto App
We will develop step-by-step a full crypto app to learn everything there is to know about data-driven applications that operate on a diverse set of data pulled from different sources, often in real-time.
Important Notice
Code snippets and materials are intended for learning purposes and might contain deliberate omissions. In case of doubt do not hesitate to make questions and check the documentation for further information.