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Run the (Blank) App

To run the app, we first need to run the backend GarphQL Server via the command line. Then we'll use Visual Studio to launch the app on an Android Emulator.

1. Start the GraphQL Backend Server

  1. Open the Command Prompt (Windows) or the Terminal (macOS):

  2. In the command line, navigate to the downloaded code:

    cd [folder of downloaded code]/crypto-maui/backend/solutions/example8c/

    Note: Replace [folder of downloaded code] with the folder where you downloaded the source code for this workshop

  3. In the command line, enter the following command to run the Backend GraphQL Server:

    dotnet run --urls "http://localhost:5100"

Keep the GraphQL Backend Server running in the background during the duration of the .NET MAUI workshop


If the .NET MAUI app fails to connect to the GraphQL API, ensure the Backend GraphQL Server is still running in the Terminal and its --urls parameter is set to http://localhost:5100

  1. In a browser, navigate to http://localhost:5100/graphql
  2. Confirm the GraphQL GUI appears Banana Cake Pop

2. Launch the .NET MAUI App

  1. Locate the /fontend/0-Start/ folder:

    • (macOS) In Finder, navigate to the downloaded code: /crypto-maui/frontend/0-Start/
    • (Winodws) In File Explorer, navigate to the downloaded code: /crypto-maui/frontend/0-Start/
  2. In the /fontend/0-Start/ folder, open MauiCrypto.sln in Visual Studio

  3. In Visual Studio, set the build target to Android:


    In the Visual Studio for Mac toolbar, ensure the build is pointing to your Android Emulator


    If no Android Emulator is listed, you will need to create an Android Emulator

    macOS Android Emulator


    In the Visual Studio toolbar, ensure the build is pointing to your Android Emulator


    If no Android Emulator is listed, you will need to create an Android Emulator

    Windows Android Emulator

  4. In Visual Studio, click the Play button to build + deploy the Android app to the Android Emulator

  5. Ensure the MauiCrypto app launches in the Android Emulator

    Blank Android App