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Subscribe to OnPriceChanged

We're almost done! But what if the price of the crypto asset changes after we launch the app? Right now the app only retrieves the price once.

Let's subscribe to OnPriceChanged in the Backend GraphQL API to ensure we always see the latest data!

1. SubscribeOnPriceChange.graphql

Let's first see how StrawberryShake automatically generates C# code based on our *.graphql files

  1. In Visual Studio, open Services/GraphQL/Operations/GetAssetPriceHistory.graphql

  2. Here's a breakdown of how Strawberry Shake turns this GraphQL query into C# code:

    GetAssetPriceHistory.graphqlStrawberry Shake
    subscription SubscribeOnPriceChangeGenerates a Method, SubscribeOnPriceChange.Watch()
    onPriceChangeGenerates an interface, interface ISubscribeOnPriceChange_OnPriceChange
    changeGenerates an interface, interface ISubscribeOnPriceChange_OnPriceChange_Change

2. Add SubscribeOnPriceChange Logic

  1. In Visual Studio, open Services/GraphQL/GraphQLService

  2. In GraphQLService, update the SubscribeOnPriceChange method with the following code:

    public IDisposable SubscribeOnPriceChange(Action<IOperationResult<ISubscribeOnPriceChangeResult>> onNext)
    // Each time OnPriceChange changes, it wil execute `onNext`
    return _cryptoClient.SubscribeOnPriceChange.Watch().Subscribe(onNext); // returns an IDisposable that will automatically be unsubscribed when disposed

3. Subscribe ScreenerViewModel to CryptoGraphQLService.SubscribeOnPriceChange

  1. In Visual Studio, open ViewModels/ScreenerViewModel

  2. In ScreenerViewModel add the method OnNext:

    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Net;
    using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
    using StrawberryShake;

    namespace MauiCrypto;

    partial class ScreenerViewModel : BaseViewModel
    public ScreenerViewModel(IDispatcher dispatcher, CryptoGraphQLService cryptoGraphQLService) : base(dispatcher)
    BaseViewModel.AssetCollection.CollectionChanged += HandleCollectionChanged;

    public IReadOnlyList<ObservableCryptoModel> AssetList => BaseViewModel.AssetCollection.ToList();

    void HandleCollectionChanged(object? sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)

    void OnNext(IOperationResult<ISubscribeOnPriceChangeResult> result)
    result.EnsureNoErrors(); // Throws a GraphQLClientException if the GraphQL Server returns an error

    if (result?.Data?.OnPriceChange is ISubscribeOnPriceChange_OnPriceChange_AssetPrice assetPrice // Ensures result?.Data?.OnPriceChange is not null
    && AssetCollection.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Symbol == assetPrice.Symbol) is ObservableCryptoModel node) // Ensures the symbol exists in `AssetCollection`
    node.Price = new ObservableCryptoPriceModel // Updates the price
    LastPrice = assetPrice.LastPrice,
    Change24Hour = assetPrice.Change24Hour
    catch (Exception e) when (e is HttpRequestException or WebException or GraphQLClientException)
  3. In ScreenerViewModel, subscribe to CryptoGraphQLService.SubscribeOnPriceChange():

    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Net;
    using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
    using StrawberryShake;

    namespace MauiCrypto;

    partial class ScreenerViewModel : BaseViewModel
    public ScreenerViewModel(IDispatcher dispatcher, CryptoGraphQLService cryptoGraphQLService) : base(dispatcher)
    SubscribeOnPriceChangeSession = cryptoGraphQLService.SubscribeOnPriceChange(result => OnNext(result));
    BaseViewModel.AssetCollection.CollectionChanged += HandleCollectionChanged;

    public IReadOnlyList<ObservableCryptoModel> AssetList => BaseViewModel.AssetCollection.ToList();

    void HandleCollectionChanged(object? sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)

    void OnNext(IOperationResult<ISubscribeOnPriceChangeResult> result)
    result.EnsureNoErrors(); // Throws a GraphQLClientException if the GraphQL Server returns an error

    if (result?.Data?.OnPriceChange is ISubscribeOnPriceChange_OnPriceChange_AssetPrice assetPrice // Ensures result?.Data?.OnPriceChange is not null
    && AssetCollection.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Symbol == assetPrice.Symbol) is ObservableCryptoModel node) // Ensures the symbol exists in `AssetCollection`
    node.Price = new ObservableCryptoPriceModel // Updates the price
    LastPrice = assetPrice.LastPrice,
    Change24Hour = assetPrice.Change24Hour
    catch (Exception e) when (e is HttpRequestException or WebException or GraphQLClientException)

    The logic to dispose SubscribeOnPriceChangeSession (and thus unsubscribe, closing the websocket) is handled in BaseViewModel

3. Verify Subscription Logic

Now that we've added logic to subscribe to OnPriceChanged, let's ensure it is working and the app is updating acccordingly

  1. In Visual Studio, open ViewModels/ScreenerViewModel.cs
  2. In ScreenerViewModel, inside the OnNext method, set a breakpoint inside of on the line containing result.EnsureNoErrors();
  3. In Visual Studio, build + deploy the Android app to the Android Emulator
  4. In the Android Emulator, navigate to the Screener page
  5. After opening the Screener page, wait for the Visual Studio breakpoint to trigger

    If the price change is small, you may not see a visible change on the UI. I.e. if AAVE changed from 170.731 to 170.732, the UI will continue to display a price of 170.73.